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Welcome to the Water's Edge at Fair Lakes HOA Website

Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
The 2022 Annual Meeting of Water’s Edge HOA is scheduled for Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.  The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. 
The Covenants of Water’s Edge require that a meeting of the Homeowner’s Association be held annually, usually in November. The meeting includes community updates, budget and dues information, as well as election of any expiring terms or open board member seats. Again, the meeting will take place virtually via Zoom, on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.  
Open Board Seat
This year, one board seat is open for election.  If you are interested in running for a board seat, please complete and return the Petition for Candidacy Form, Form that can be found on the Water’s Edge website under “Documents and Forms”.  Nominations from the floor for oneself or by other owners are allowed under the Covenants if the candidate e-mails SCS during the meeting to declare their candidacy.  Those nominees must be in good standing with the Association (no outstanding balance for longer than 30 days), be present during the meeting, and if elected, agree to serve for three (3) years. Nominees from the floor who have not submitted a Petition for Candidacy and Candidate Statement Form to SCS prior to the meeting, must complete the candidacy form and submit it to Anstasia at SCS at ademos@SCS-management.com, within two business days following the annual meeting. 
How To Participate in the Annual Meeting
To participate in the meeting, follow the instructions in the annual meeting announcement package that will be mailed to homeowners.  The free app for Zoom needs to be downloaded to the device you will use to participate, as well as registering for a free Zoom account prior to the meeting.  
It is highly recommended that you download and test the software and compatibility on at least one device prior to the meeting.  Unfortunately, the Water’s Edge HOA cannot guarantee that the software will work on your device, nor can the HOA provide any technical support prior to or during the meeting. If you think you might have technical issues or have concerns about using the Zoom software, you may want to consider attending the meeting at a neighbor’s home.
Election Process - Mail-in Ballot Process and Election Results
As soon as possible after the annual meeting, homeowners will receive a mail-in ballot listing all board candidates (pre-submitted via the Candidate Statement Form and by floor nominations during the meeting) so that they may cast their mail-in votes for one member. In order to be counted, ballots must be returned by mail or a PDF attached to an email and be received at SCS no later than 5:00 p.m. on December 11, 2024.  Please allow for 5 days for your mailed in vote to arrive at SCS.  Once votes are tabulated by SCS, the elected candidates will be announced on the Water’s Edge website (anticipated by December 16th ).
Your Participation is Critical - Mail Your Proxy Even if You are Attending the Meeting
Finally, it is critical to have the required quorum participate in the annual meeting, which is 25% of the total HOA membership (53 owners attending or verified mailed in proxies).  If a quorum is not achieved, the meeting must be re-scheduled at an additional cost to the HOA.  Your signed proxy is essential to achieving a quorum in the event that your virtual attendance at the meeting might not be possible.   
Updated: 11/18/24

Help Keep Trash & Recycling 
Where it Belongs
To help keep trash and recyclables from blowing around our community, please remember the follow recommendations:
  • Do not bag your recyclable items; leave items loose in your tote. Bagged items will not get recycled.
  • Remember, glass is no longer recycled in Fairfax County. You can recycle your glass at the I-66 Transfer station on West Ox Road. 
  • Place your totes in the street, not on the area between the street and the sidewalk, with the silver handle toward the sidewalk. 
    Remove your tote from the street by the end of trash pick-up day and store it out of site in your garage or backyard. 
  • Do not overfill trash bins.  Please only load totes so the top can fully close. Excess trash and recyclables can spill out and blow around the community.  Save your excess trash for the next collection day.
  • Patriot Disposal will not pick up large items that will not fit in the tote such as mattresses, furniture, large toys, etc. For pick-up of large or bulky items, contact Patriot (fee may apply) at 703-257-7100, or a junk removal service directly. 
  • If during holidays, bad weather, etc., trash or recycling is not picked up, please store your tote out of site until the next scheduled pick-up date.

Recycling Reminder:
What Can Be Recycled?
The Fairfax County I-66 Transfer Station, located off of West Ox Road, across from Costco, is the nearest county recycling center to Water's Edge. 
As an environmentally-responsive recycling center, county residents may responsibly disposal of glass, used motor and cooking oil, paint, aluminum cans, cardboard, plastic jugs,  household chemicals, automotive fluids, paint and many other liquids and chemicals, along with food scraps, electronics and e-waste for free.  Trash, furniture, batteries and other items can be disposed of for a fee.
I-66 Transfer Station
4618 West Ox Road, Fairfax ,VA
Mon. - Fri.  7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat. - Sun. 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Jan. 12, 2023

Pet Waste Problems Continue,
We Need Your Help
The problem of pet waste continues to be an issue in the community.  Several owners have brought to management’s attention that dog walkers are allowing their pets to do their business on private lawns and driveways.  This is necessitating homeowners and residents who do not even own dogs to pick up dog feces. 
If you walk a dog, please be responsible and keep your dog from doing its business on private property.  Direct the dog to a common area and, in any case, pick up your dog’s waste and dispose of in your own household trash.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Water’s Edge Board of Directors

--- Upcoming Meetings & Events --- Note All Meetings Are Now Virtual Contact SCS to Participate
Fairfax Co. Real Estate Taxes Due
Thursday, December 5th
Board of Directors Meeting - NO BOD MEETING
Tuesday, December 10th
Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, January 14th, 6:30 PM at SCS, 4800 Westfields Boulevard, Suite 310, Chantilly VA

Water's Edge News
Fall Spruce Up
A few of the Water’s Edge amenities are getting a facelift.  Maintenance was recently completed on the tennis/pickleball court.  The court surface received a hydroscrub, cracks were repaired, and one coat of flexible re-surfacer and two coats of line paint were applied.  This maintenance is essential to extend the asphalt base of the court, which will continue to age.  Eventually, the base will need replacement or an overlayment with a new surface.  
The play equipment on north tot lot on Rippling Pond Drive was refreshed with a power wash and removal of rust.  Portions were repainted.  Some of the retaining timbers bordering the lot were replaced.  In addition, the warped picnic table was replaced with a sturdy green metal table.  The equipment at both tot lots was assessed this year and found to be in safe, serviceable condition.
  Updated:  10/31/24 

Keep Your Eyes Peeled for 
Crime, Vandalism, or Suspicious Activity
The summer season means vacations, kids out of school, and more open doors letting in fresh air.  It also is signaled by an increase in crime and vandalism.   Therefore, we are asking all residents to be extra vigilant this summer, by looking out for your neighbors and our the safety of our collective neighborhood.  
If you witness a crime or other incident that appears to be a crime or vandalism, please report the incident to the Fairfax County Police non-emergency line at 703-691-2131, no matter how small the incident may be.  Also let your neighbors know so that, if they have video surveillance of the incident, that can be shared with law enforcement. This way, we can all  help the Police be more effective and help determine whether there are any patterns or trends in a neighborhood.  Please also report all incidents to Anastasia Demos at SCS  at admos@scs-management.com. 
Collectively, we all have a stake in Water’s Edge safety and each of use has a responsibility to help maintain the safety and security of our homes and community.  
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.  
Updated:  6/15/24

Board and ARC Meetings
Remain Virtual 
All monthly Water’s Edge Board of Director's meetings and ARC meetings will continue to use a virtual Zoom videoconferencing service format for most meetings. The Board and ARC continue to meet monthly at their usual dates and times.  
If as a homeowner, you want to attend a Board meeting, please contact Anastasia Demos, our Community Manager at 703-631-2003 or contact her via email at ademos@scs-management.com and let her know the specific issue or question you have.  The Board will attempt to conference in the homeowner by providing a link to the Zoom meeting or address the issue offline.
If you need the ARC's assistance, wish to attend a meeting, have questions or need advice on an exterior project, contact them directly via email at WatersEdgeARC@gmail.com.
Please watch this website for updates and additional information regarding Board meetings, committee meetings and other important HOA news.
Updated: 6/15/24

Homeowners - How to Register
To access any of the features or information in the Members section, homeowners and residents must register and login. 
To register, select the Register option on the left navigation menu. All you'll need is your name, address, email address, and Water's Edge Account Number*.
* Your Account Number is listed on your Water's Edge-Associa invoice.

Other Local News & Tips

Volunteer to Help
The Association is looking for several volunteers for help out on a couple committees:
  • Architectural Review (ARC)
  • Landscaping and Grounds
  • Social
  • Website & Newsletter
The community needs a couple people for the Architectural Review (ARC), the Landscaping and Grounds, and Social  Committees. 
If you would like to volunteer for a committee, and WE DO NEED YOUR HELP.  Please use the Contact Us form and send your message directly to the specific committee.  You may also complete the Committee Volunteer form and submit it directly to SCS.  The form is located on the Forms & Documents page.


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